Saturday, October 6, 2007

Chi siamo?

Siamo il Circolo dei librofili, appassionati della lingua e della letteratura italiana. Intendiamo con questo una scelta di romanzi, racconti, commedie, storielle, poesie, ecc...

Perché c'incontriamo?

C'incontriamo l'ultima domenica di ogni secondo o terzo mese per dialogare in italiano su un testo scritto dagli autori o dalle autrice italiani.

Gli obiettivi del circolo dei librofili

  • Nello spirito di amicizia, tolleranza e rispetto per il libero pensiero, il circolo dei librofili vorrebbe incoraggiare i partecipanti a leggere e discutere con occhio critico la letteratura italiana.
  • Vorrebbe dare rilievo e rinnovo al libro come strumento delle esperienze, idee, riflessioni, immaginazione, poesia e stili degli scrittori e scrittrici italiani traciandone i vari periodi e scuole.
  • Vorrebbe offrire ai partecipanti del «cyber-space», un'occasione per contribuire alla ricerca e alla documentazione della letteratura italiana offrendogli l'opportunità di contribuire dei commenti originali i quali verrebbero proposti al comitato editoriale del sito di questo circolo:

La scelta dei testi

Le scelte in passato seguirono più o meno il filo conduttore del neorealismo italiano per poi passare alle esperienze narrative degli anni settanta e ottanta con autori quali Sebastiano Vassalli, Antonio Tabucchi, Alessandro Baricco e Andrea Camilleri e così rimanendo nella letteratura italiana contemporanea.

Testi recenti


Il programma per il 2007


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Il programma per il 2007

Primo incontro: fine di febbraio

testo: "Zorro"

di Margaret Mazzantini

"I barboni sono randagi scappati dalle nostre case, odorano dei nostri armadi, puzzano di ciò che non hanno, ma anche di tutto ciò che ci manca. Perché forse ci manca quell'anfare silenzioso totalmente libero, quel deambulare perplesso, magari losco, eppure così naturale, così necessario, quel fottersene del tempo meteorologico e di quello irreversibile dell'orologio. Chi di noi non ha sentito il desiderio di accasciarsi per strada, come marionetta, gambe larghe sull'asfalto, testa reclinata sul guanciale di un muro? E lasciare al fiume il suo grande, impegnativo corso. Venirne fuori, venirne in pace. Tacito brandello di carne umana sul selciato dell'umanità."

Secondo incontro: fine di aprile

testo: "Sette racconti"

di Alberto Moravia

Alberto Moravia:
Nato Alberto Pincherle a Roma nel 1907 è stato per più di 50 anni sulla scena letteraria italiana con una produzione ricca di saggi, racconti, romanzi e novelle. Al primo romanzo di influsso decadentista, Gli indifferenti (1929), fecero seguito opere legate al neorealismo come La Romana (1947), Il conformista (1951), Racconti Romani (1954), La ciociara (1957), dove insiste sullo studio del mondo popolare del sottoproletariato, sui problemi creati dalla guerra, sul passaggio dal mondo dell'infanzia a quello della giovinezza attraverso il risveglio dei sensi.

Più tardi Moravia si è riavvicinato alla tematica esistenziale, sia con il romanzo La noia (1960), sia con opere di teatro e saggi nei quali ha cercato di chiarire quelli che egli riteneva i propri strumenti di espressione: soprattutto la psicanalisi - per capire il mondo interiore del personaggio - e il marxismo - per comprendere i rapporti sociali. È morto nel 1990.

Terzo incontro: fine di giugno

testo: "Il meglio dei racconti"

di Dino Buzzati

Dino Buzzati:
È nato a Belluno il 16 ottobre 1906. Compiuti gli studi classici, si laureò in legge a Milano. Nel 1928 entrò come cronista al “Corriere della Sera” e in seguito ne divenne redattore e inviato speciale. La sua attività letteraria si inizia nel 1933 con la pubblicazione di Barnabo delle montagne e prosegue nel 1935 con Il segreto del Bosco vecchio : ma i due libri che lo resero celebre furono Il deserto dei Tartari [1940] e I sette messaggeri [1942], con i quali egli non soltanto si è inserito nel vivo della nostra letteratura, ma addirittura nel tronco della narrativa europea contemporanea. Tutti i suoi volumi, infatti, sono tradotti all’estero in molte lingue, dal tedesco allo spagnolo, dal francese allo svedese.
Dino Buzzati è morto a Milano il 28 gennaio 1972.


  • Barnabo delle montagne, 1933
  • Il segreto del Bosco Vecchio, 1935
  • Il deserto dei Tartari, Mondadori, 1940
  • I sette messaggeri, Mondadori, 1942
  • Il libro delle pipe, in collaborazione con Giuseppe Ramazzotti, 1945
  • La famosa invasione degli orsi in Sicilia, 1946
  • Paura alla Scala, Mondadori, 1948
  • Un caso clinico, Mondadori, 1953
  • Il crollo della Baliverna, Mondadori, 1954
  • In quel preciso momento, 1955
  • Sessanta racconti, Mondadori, 1958
  • Esperimento di magia, 1958
  • Il grande ritratto, Mondadori, 1960
  • Un amore, Mondadori, 1963
  • Il colombre, Mondadori, 1966
  • Poema a fumetti, Mondadori, 1969
  • I miracoli di Val Morel, 1971
  • Le notti difficili, Mondadori, 1971
  • Cronache terrestri, Mondadori, 1972

Quarto incontro: fine di settembre

testo: "Il conformista"

di Alberto Moravia

Alberto Moravia:
Nato Alberto Pincherle a Roma nel 1907 è stato per più di 50 anni sulla scena letteraria italiana con una produzione ricca di saggi, racconti, romanzi e novelle. Al primo romanzo di influsso decadentista, Gli indifferenti (1929), fecero seguito opere legate al neorealismo come La Romana (1947), Il conformista (1951), Racconti Romani (1954), La ciociara (1957), dove insiste sullo studio del mondo popolare del sottoproletariato, sui problemi creati dalla guerra, sul passaggio dal mondo dell'infanzia a quello della giovinezza attraverso il risveglio dei sensi.

Più tardi Moravia si è riavvicinato alla tematica esistenziale, sia con il romanzo La noia (1960), sia con opere di teatro e saggi nei quali ha cercato di chiarire quelli che egli riteneva i propri strumenti di espressione: soprattutto la psicanalisi - per capire il mondo interiore del personaggio - e il marxismo - per comprendere i rapporti sociali. È morto nel 1990.

Quinto incontro: TBA


testo: "I promessi sposi"

di Alessandro Manzoni

"La vicenda si svolge in Lombardia, tra il 1628 e il 1630. Siamo nel territorio di Lecco, soggetto alla dominazione spagnola, che si materializza attraverso numerose “grida”, le quali, per la verità, sortiscono assai poco effetto nel far rispettare le leggi. Don Abbondio, il curato di un paese della zona, di ritorno dalla passeggiata quotidiana, viene fermato dai bravi di don Rodrigo, il signoretto del posto. Gli viene intimato di non celebrare il matrimonio programmata per il giorno dopo fra due popolani, Lucia Mondella e Renzo Tramiglino. Ecc, ecc, ecc, ..."

"Alessandro Manzoni nasce a Milano nel 1785 da Pietro e Giulia Beccaria. Il matrimonio dei genitori non è felice, Giulia Beccaria lascia così il marito e va a vivere a Parigi. Alessandro vive dapprima in collegio, ma, dopo la morte del padre, raggiunge la madre. Gli anni nella capitale francese, dal 1805 al 1810, sono decisivi nella sua formazione culturale, che è sostanzialmente di stampo illuminista, razionalista e anticlericale. L'avvenimento più importante della sua vita sarà perciò la conversione al cattolicesimo, che avverrà intorno al 1810, due anni dopo il suo matrimonio con Enrichetta Blondel."

testo: "L'oca al passo"

di Antonio Tabucchi

In breve: "I tempi bui che stiamo vivendo raccontati come in un romanzo da uno scrittore che collega fatti e avvenimenti apparentemente lontani fra di loro, ricostruisce la trama di eventi a prima vista inspiegabili e senza costrutto, ne sonda i meccanismi e le ragioni, incalza la realtà, mostra che i fatti che succedono qui come altrove sono una tela dai fili strettamente intrecciati."

Il meglio dei racconti

di Dino Buzzati

Discorso e commento

Racconti di Buzzati - Riassunti

di Marina Berton, 2007

I sette messaggeri

Siamo alla ricerca di noi stessi nello spirito nello spazio e nel tempo, nel presente, nel passato e nel futuro con dei messaggeri che fanno da metafora per la continuità fra il punto di partenza e il punto di arrivo nel viaggio che noi chiamiamo la vita.

Che non ci sono limiti o barriere e che i limiti ce li impostiamo a noi stessi per dividerci e chiuderci mentre ci avviamo verso il futuro che finirà solo con la morte.

Sette piani

Un sistema sanitario, una metafora per «il Grande Fratello» di George Orwell 1984, un tema ripetuto in altri sistemi rigidi con delle regole e delle tradizioni immutabili contro quale l'individuo isolato inutilmente si contrappone.

La speranza in alcuni racconti di Buzzati

di Natalia Corbo, 2007

Nei seguenti racconti - I sette messaggeri, Sette piani, Ragazza che precipita e Qualcosa era successo la vita conduce i protagonisti verso la morte. Il tragitto è orizzontale, verticale o circolare. Non sanno quando, se o come la morte li accoglierà. Il senso di incubo è creato da queste incertezze e ansia. In questi racconti però non c’è disperazione ne orrore perché c’è sempre speranza anche se questa speranza sia irrazionale e infinitesimale. Come dice il medico in Equivalenza l’orrore non è nel fatto che dobbiamo morire ma nel sapere esattamente quando verrà.

In molti racconti non c’è una chiara divisione tra la vita e la morte. Invece c’è un viaggio o un processo continuo. Alcuni fantasmi di Buzzati rappresentano questa zona grigia tra la vita e la morte. Appacher in Gli amici è morto ma e ‘quasi’ un fantasma. Deroz in L’uomo che si dava arie deperisce fisicamente e quando le zanzare lo lasciano in pace l’altro Deroz con i suoi contorni ‘di fumo’ che ‘sfuggivano’ cammina senza bastone per fare ‘il famoso viaggio’.

La speranza che ci sia qualcosa oltre questo mondo e questa vita, che ci sia del divino è rappresentato in questo stato di fantasma. I fantasmi di Buzzati rappresentano la speranza piuttosto che la disperazione e il nulla. Con avvolte comicità o sentimentalità, e spesso con ironia, Buzzati crea un mondo fantastico ma verosimile. La morte almeno non deve essere la fine, ma una continuazione del viaggio. La madre di Giovanni in Il mantello capisce alla fine che suo figlio non appartiene più a questo mondo e che il ‘signore del mondo’ è stato ‘misericordioso’ e gli ha permesso di salutare sua madre.

Le incertezze, le cose inspiegabili creano ansia e un’atmosfera di incubo. Il padre di Stefano in Il colombre cerca di spiegargli che cos’è il colombre ripetendo però la vecchia leggenda. Stefano è ossessionato e attirato da questo strumento ‘del fato’. È consumato dalla fuga dal colombre forse con la speranza di sconvincerlo in qualche modo ma certamente la fuga gli da più soddisfazione che ‘una vita tranquilla e agiata’. Il narratore in Sciopero dei telefoni si chiede chi poteva essere l’uomo che inesplicabilmente sapeva tante cose e si chiede se forse lui era - ‘La antica, indomita speranza la quale va annidando nei posti più assurdi’.


di Margaret Mazzantini

"I barboni sono randagi scappati dalle nostre case, odorano dei nostri armadi, puzzano di ciò che non hanno, ma anche di tutto ciò che ci manca. Perché forse ci manca quell'anfare silenzioso totalmente libero, quel deambulare perplesso, magari losco, eppure così naturale, così necessario, quel fottersene del tempo meteorologico e di quello irreversibile dell'orologio. Chi di noi non ha sentito il desiderio di accasciarsi per strada, come marionetta, gambe larghe sull'asfalto, testa reclinata sul guanciale di un muro? E lasciare al fiume il suo grande, impegnativo corso. Venirne fuori, venirne in pace. Tacito brandello di carne umana sul selciato dell'umanità."

Archeologia del presente

di Sebastiano Vassalli


Introduction: this is the story of Leo and Michela (Ferrari), who along with the narrator dreamed of changing the world

1. The main protagonists
Leo, a graduate of philosophy. Tall and thin. Bearded with glasses. Dressed in tight velvet jackets ala existentialist philosophers.
Michela, a graduate of languages. Round face. Calm. Likes wearing jumpers that she makes herself.
The couple met at Uni. After a brief and difficult stay with like-minded left-wing students, they moved out on their own.
They work at l'Instituto tecnico industriale "G. Marconi" (upper secondary school), where the narrator met them. Leo taught Italian language and literature, Michela taught English language and literature, the narrator taught technical design. [Oct 1970]

2. l'Instituto tecnico industriale "G. Marconi" di ***
2000 students at the school, almost all boys. Only two girls. About 200 teachers. Leo wanted to "change the world" by speaking at school assemblies against capitalism. Michela preferred to meet with a feminist group, "Pane e rose", which she helped found.

Interlude: Il castigo del bidello Fulgenzio
An incident involving the school's caretaker, Fulgenzio. One night he was attacked and almost killed by some students. According to a note found later, this was because Fulgenzio was a "servant of the masters" and for spying.

3. Narrator takes up architecture
In October 1971, the narrator leaves the school to work as an architect. Around that time he meets his future wife, Alessandra.
He still keeps in touch with Leo (L) and Michela (M), who stay at the school. L and M start thinking about where they want to live - in the city or in the country.

4. "Porte aperte"
From 1971 to early 1972 L and M knew Doctor P, director of the psychiatric hospital. At the time there was a lot of abuse of mental patients. The doctor started "Porte aperte", an organisation of mental patients and "normal people". The doctor believed that rehabilitated mental patients ("ex-matti") were better off living among normal people. L and M are entrusted with the care of Camillo.

5. Leo and Michela get married
In May 1973, while a protest for worker solidarity is being held, L and M get married at the town hall. Narrator and Alessandro are witnesses. Guests include fellow teachers and close relatives. One particular guest, M's cousin Giorgio, is described as a disciple of a new religion: naturalist, pantheist and transcendentalist. Guests make predictions about the future, which will turn out not to be realised.

6. L and M move to the country
In October 1973, L and M move to a place in the country which belonged to L's ancestors. The place had run down, but the new inhabitants renovate it. Narrator helps out as architect, which is his first major professional job. It lasted three years, and helped strengthen the friendship between him and the Ferraris.
It turns out that both L and M are from wealthy families. M had lots of farm land and received rent. L was owner of a building in the city with apartments and shops. He also had other investments. But they remained Marxists.
At times L and the narrator argued over ideals.

7. L'antipedagogia
L had a revelation: to change the world one only had to change the schools, because today's schoolchildren are tomorrow's adults. He makes this his project. He embraces anti-pedagogy.

8. M's approach to anti-pedagogy
In keeping with her nature, M embraces anti-pedagogy but in a more tempered fashion.
L and M want children, but time passes without luck. Meanwhile the narrator and Alessandra have a baby girl.
Giorgio, the Illuminated, moves into L and M's guest house. Others follow. Drugs were part of Giorgio's religion. Eventually he goes to prison for possession of cocaine.

Interlude: Storia di Nina, la ragazza che morì in un cesso
The tragic story of Nina, a young girl who moved in with Giorgio. She was found dead in the toilet of the bus? station, with a needle stuck in her vein.

9. L is suspended and goes on trial
L's scholastic experiment results in most of his students failing. He is suspended for six months. There's a court case, which appears to uphold L's right to teach his own way. But instead, while everyone is on holidays, L is sacked.

10. Villa Michela
The renovation of L and M's house (Villa Michela) is complete.
The narrator opens his own studio, divorces his wife, and moves in with Irene (a lawyer). She leaves him, but then he meets Paola, a girl 30 years younger than him.
Meanwhile L and M seek to adopt a child.
The narrator visits the Ferraris in spring 1979, to find the place full of cats and dogs. Camillo has become the gardener, and there's a maid, Domenica.
L and M become vegetarians, and take up macrobiotica / alternative medicine.

11. The Ferraris visit China
In summer 1979, L and M visit Communist China. They find it a paradise on Earth. They embrace Chines culture, and L thinks of starting an import-export business with offices in Rome and Peking. But the "Chinese" phase turns out being very brief (no reason given?).
In April 1980, L becomes interested in environmental protection, in particular he joins il "Comitato dell'Ente Parco".

12. The Ferraris become environmentalists
L joins many nature and environment protection groups. He founds the local WWF office. The "Ente Parco" campaign continues.
Meanwhile, the protests against the 1981 anti-abortion referendum are describes as the last hurrah for the old student revolutionaries.

13. Marlon arrives
M leaves teaching to look after her animals and pursue her hobbies.
L enters politics, elected to the Lys council.
L, M and Camillo try to frustrate hunters.
L and M finally adopt a son, Marlon, who is six years old. The boy seems nice and intelligent.

14. Pacifism
L and M become pacifists in 1982, and Villa Michela becomes a focal point for pacifists in the region. L organises protests, such as the anti-missile protest in Sicily. They wanted a new world, without arms and wars.

15. L the writer
Writing becomes for L a necessity of life. He writes articles, poetry, books. His political career evolves into the party-political variety, and is even elected to the national parliament where he served for two years.
Two books gets published, and L becomes famous.
L and M adopt a second child, this time a girl from India who they name Aria.
M founds "Donne nella bufera" (women in the storm), an organisation to help victims of violence.
The friendship between L and the narrator becomes strained...

Interlude: Una lite in giardino
L and the narrator have a heated argument in the garden of Villa Michela, over a building project that the narrator is working on

16. The New Politics
A return to individualism and egoism. The class struggle was displaced by a burgeoning middle class. Utopias fell apart, as did political parties. The era of "tangenti" in Italy.
L leaves the council and other public duties for "personal reasons", but remains president of "Ente Parco".
L ends his feud with the narrator, admitting he was wrong. L tells him that they're living in a pivotal moment in history - it was imperative that they work on the two pillars of the new politics: peace and the environment.

17. Illegal immigrants
There were a lot of illegal immigrants living in an abandoned factory, and M (with "Donne nella bufera") became concerned with their plight. M asks the narrator if there's work for one man, who happens to be a building engineer. happensIt appears to N that M and this man were more than just acquaintances - in fact he suspects they were lovers.
Meanwhile L attends environmental conferences, including one in Japan regarding the hole in the ozone layer, and a Greenpeace investigation in Germany regarding nuclear waste.
A Brazilian ex-prostitute takes shelter at Villa Michela. She was in fact a transsexual who wanted to have an operation.
Marlon's scholastic record is turning out to be a failure.

18. The adopted children
An episode worthy of Boccaccio or Chaucer takes place. Marlon and Enrica were found in each others' arms and it became public knowledge. Enrica disappears after this. The narrator gives a recap of the lives of the adopted children.
Marlon becomes a bit of a problem child, whose obsession with sex culminated in the episode with Enrica. He also stole a watch at 15 and crashed a car at 18.
L tried to impress on Marlon his love for nature, to no avail. Eventually he gave up, and turned his attention to raising Aria. Marlon became M's concern.
In contrast, Aria was more receptive to L's teaching techniques. At least initially, Aria was intelligent and even graceful. She was good at school. Eventually, however, Aria caused her own set of problems for L and M. At 15 she fell in love with a much older man. When she is dumped, she slashes her wrists, and fortunately is saved by Domenica and Camillo. After that episode, she is no longer the same, becoming erratic and apathetic.

19. L'antimedicina
The Berlin Wall falls and heralds the end of the Socialist dream.
L and M continue their fight for the planet. They begin to study alternative medicine, "l'antimedicina".
In 1988/9 professor Mastrolido, a noted homeopath, comes to Villa Michele.

20. Gli zingari
In 1990 L becomes editor? of the local newspaper. This was a somewhat surprising choice given it was a moderate, right-leaning paper. Perhaps it was natural that the children of the revolution will become the new leaders.
L also has a local TV program - a talk show. He used it as a vehicle for confronting issues of the times.
Meanwhile the resurgence of the Right shows itself in the battle against the gypsies. A petition to evict the gypsies is sought. L and M counter this by insisting that the solution is to provide assistance to the gypsies. L invites both sides to a debate on TV, but it turns nasty. Despite being robbed by the very people they were trying to help, L and M were not deterred. L declares that he too is a "Zingaro".

21. "Nuova Medicina s.r.l."
M opens a shop, "Il Popolo Verde", promoting herbal remedies?. In partnership with prof. Mastrolido, she founds a company, "Nuova Medicina s.r.l.". The prof receives and treats patients. It is a big success, even in economic terms.
Meanwhile L confesses to the narrator that he is impotent. L seeks medical advice.

Interlude: L'ultimo supermaschio
In which L has an injection that takes impressive effect, leading to an amusing encounter with two prostitutes.

22. Gli albanesi
L and M accept a couple of Albanian refugees at Villa Michela. The couple hold Domenica at knifepoint after a botched robbery at the villa. They demand 100m lire, two loaded handguns and a fast car. The demands are not met, and the couple give themselves up. Domenica quits saying she warned L and M about the Albanians.
Around the same time L and M were thinking more about religion. L often had religious guests on his TV show. Inspired by one particular guest, don Pippo (or Pino), L and M seek to become "human shields" in Iraq during the (first) Gulf War.
However there are more pressing concerns at home though. Doctors asked the local court to have M's shop closed.

23. The Trial of "Il Popolo Verde"
At the trial, the narrator plays a small role as witness for the defence. Prof. Mastrolido however turns on his business partner, calling her a witch. He says he was lured and forced into being her partner.
The court ruled that they were both guilty of all charges. Mastrolido goes to prison, but M is let go given her clean record.
L and M become involved in giving aid to the victims of the war in the Balkans. In particular, L risks his life delivering food and medicine to Bosnians. They also accept refugees (Bosnians, Macedonians, Kosovars, Albanians, Kurds) at their villa.

24. Bosnia
L and M dedicate three or four years to the cause of the Bosnians, organising protests against "ethnic cleansing" and collecting aid money. Environmental and pacifist concerns took a back seat.
L goes to Sarajevo, where he wrote articles for a weekly tabloid about the war. He returns home when the war ends.
Despite what has occurred L and M still good will prevail over evil.
L's 56th birthday reunites them with old friends including former guests and employees. It also introduces Chang Li, a Chinese woman who is living at Villa Michela.

25. Marlon and Aria update
Marlon and Aria, now adults, continue to live with their adoptive parents, with no apparent intention to leave.
Marlon completes his military service and returns home. He becomes a nationalist, opposed to gypsies and refugees among others. He even attacks his parents' guests. He goes out with friends and takes drugs.
Aria, at 20, remained "normal". She didn't resume her studies, but did do a languages course. Her only major flaw results in a long and quite bizarre list of lovers.
Marlon ends up getting arrested, charged with attacking a couple, kidnapping the girls and raping her.

26. Marlon's (First) Trial
Marlon is found guilty of assault on the boy (Matteo), but it appears the girl (Gigliola) was not a victim after all. She was in cahoots with Marlon and Andrea. The kidnapping and rape were fabricated. She and Marlon were lovers.
Marlon and Gigliola became inseparable after the trial.
L and M obsess over their parental mistakes.
It's Paula's (the narrator's girlfriend's) 26th birthday. There's a clash of generations at the party: "What have the oldies achieved?" say the younger ones. The elders counter with labeling the youngies "perennial children".
Meanwhile, the feminist movement appears to have run it's course. Women seem to want to compete with men more than they want to cooperate with other men. M had a TV program too, "Donne nella bufera" (named after her women's group), but it gets cancelled.

27. Murders at Villa Michela
L and M become concerned with abandoned dogs.
L fears he is a failure. He tried to change the world, but feels he has achieved nothing. M confesses she has had similar thought herself. Human beings have deluded her.
Marlon's behaviour drives all the guests away from Villa Michela. Chang Li is the only guest who remains.
L and M didn't expect much from their adoptive children. L confesses to the narrator that he even considers "Ente Parco" to be a failure.
Not long after that meeting, L and M are found dead at their home. Aria is also found dead. The prime suspects: Chang Li and Marlon. Marlon and his girlfriend are arrested at the airport trying to flee to Venezuela.

28. The investigation
Marlon confesses, saying he was under the influence of drugs. However some matters remain unresolved, such as where did he dispose of the gun, and what did he say when he called his girlfriend. He insists Gigliola has nothing to do with the murders, but doubts remain.

Interlude: Una telefonata in Questura
The narrator fears for Chang Li's safety if she is deported, so he calls the police station. A policeman says they've found her to be deaf and dumb, aand illiterate. Her fate will be decided later.

29. The Funeral
The Cathedral at *** was full of people who never had anything to do with the Ferraris when they were alive. Perhaps they attended because it was an "event"? Some "important" people attended (politicians, community leaders, etc), but the narrator watched it on TV.
The narrator goes on to describe the ceremony and the cremation. He concludes by saying there is now a big hole in his life. He responds by vowing to write L and M's story as a tribute to their lives.

30. Visiting Marlon in prison

A few weeks after the murders, the narrator visits Marlon in prison. This is after a request from the investigating judge, who hopes Marlon will open up and confess something.
During the conversation, Marlon accuses his adoptive parents of only wanting their children to be like them, calling them egoists. They didn't love him. The narrator defends his friends, saying L and M were the good and generous people, especially in regard to their adoptive children. He asks him again, why did you kill them?
Marlon maintains that it was under the influence of the drugs, and that he alone is responsible.

The narrator explains that he's limited himself to listing events in roughly the order that they happened, according to his memory. He uses the analogy of the archeologist who uncovers pieces of artifacts. Not so much a creative work, but more an act of recovery or restoration, hence "Archeology of the present".
He concludes by saying "To all those who in every era have spent their whole lives to make a perfect world, and at the cost of suffering and hard work have brought the world to where it is, namely at the edge of the abyss." He shakes his head and repeated: "What idiots!"

Sul web

Sette racconti

di Alberto Moravia

La casa in collina

di Cesare Pavese


  • Corrado is a 40 y.o. high school science teacher (professore) in Torino, during WW2
  • To escape the regular bombing of the city he goes home at nights to a "house in the hills" in Chiero
  • He lives with Elvira, a 40-ish single woman, and her mother. Elvira is hoping Corrado will marry her, but C. appears disinterested
  • A dog named Belbo is his companion (named after his birthplace?)
  • He is a bit of a loner - moving to the country is a convenient excuse for seeking solitude?
  • But he does have some "friends" (really acquaintances) in Chiero: Ponso, Nando, Egle, Fontana etc
  • He has a chance meeting with an old flame he dropped several years earlier - Cate. Cate is a nurse at a hospital in Torino
  • Cate has a son, Dino (short for Corradino) who Corrado suspects could be his son - or perhaps Cate is deliberately trying to make him think that as a pretext for Corrado to take Dino under his wing and give him an education
  • Mussolini is overtrown, but hopes of an end to the war are wishful thinking
  • Fascists propped up in the North by Germans, who now occupy the region
  • Cate is arrested, leaving Dino to be looked after by Corrado and Elvira
  • Teaching is seen as supporting the "Republic", and a teacher is dobbed in for being ant-Fascist
  • Some of Corrado's friends want to join the Partisans
  • Corrado and his friends fear their safety - some flee or join resistance in the mountains
  • Corrado seeks sanctuary at a nearby college/monastery. He enjoys the peace and solitude. There are some other people seeking refuge
  • Dino joins C. at the college
  • C. is threatened to be dobbed in by someone at the college so he goes back to Elvira's, leaving Dino behind
  • Dino runs away to parts unknown. C. hears of this, and returns to the college when he thinks it's safe
  • It turns out that C. was not in danger after all - the Germans weren't after him
  • Thinking the college is no longer safe, C. decides to go back to his birthplace, Belbo - subconsciously wishing to turn back time to before the war? Did he name his dog Belbo as a constant reminder of his past?
  • C. catches a train that takes him part of the way. Has to complete trip on foot due to damaged railway
  • Near home town witnesses an attack (by fascists or partisans? - does it matter?) where innocent people are slaughtered
  • Reaches Belbo (the town), and ponders things ... the war will go on forever ... all wars are civil wars ... wonders what will happen to his friends and Dino ...

Sul web

Il conformista

di Alberto Moravia

Monday, October 1, 2007

Testi letti negli ultimi anni

  • "Gli zii di Sicilia" di Leonardo Sciascia
  • "Il giorno della civetta" di Leonardo Sciascia
  • "Una semplice storia" di Leonardo Sciascia
  • "Il Gattopardo" di Tomasi di Lampedusa
  • "Bagheria" di Dacia Maraini
  • "Se questo è un uomo" di Primo Levi
  • "Un filo di fumo" di Andrea Camilleri
  • "Il gioco della mosca" di Andrea Camilleri
  • "Il cigno" di Sebastiano Vassalli
  • "Montedidio" di Erri de Luca
  • "Notturno Indiano" di Antonio Tabucchi
  • "Il Sindaco del Rione Sanità" di Eduardo de Filippo
  • "Francesca e Nunziata" di Maria Orsini Natale
  • "L'affaire Moro" di Leonardo Sciascia
  • "La lunga vita di Marianna Ucrìa" di Dacia Maraini
  • "La leggenda del Pianista sull'Oceano" di Alessandro Baricco (film)